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Poster Sessions May 14, 2024

An Archivematica-Powered Digital Preservation System for the General Public

The Permanent Legacy Foundation provides endowment-backed archival cloud storage directly to private individuals and small organizations. We are currently in the process of rebuilding our file processing pipeline. To do so, we will leverage a fully automated Archivematica pipeline in our backend to both improve performance and better adhere to... more



Automating FAST subject heading assignment in the repository - some initial challenges

In this experiment with Python and FAST subject headings, an undergraduate student at Columbia University developed a program to take PDF inputs, extract the OCR, find frequent terms, and query them against FAST subject headings. Dissertations from the 1950s were used as the test set of documents. The resulting matches... more



Automating File Organization by Leveraging Patterns with Python

When faced with organizing a backlog of digital material totaling 144,000 files, it became clear that manual file organization was not a tenable option. Patterns in the files quickly arose and python became a catch-all solution to automating file organization that leveraged those patterns. This poster will highlight the ways... more



Beyond DSpace: DSpace-CRIS & DSpace-GLAM as extended datamodels

Digital repositories play a pivotal role in managing and disseminating scholarly and cultural content, with DSpace emerging as a prominent open-source platform. However, the ecosystem of DSpace has evolved with specialized extensions developed by 4Science called DSpace-CRIS and DSpace-GLAM, each tailored to distinct domains. DSpace serves as the foundation, offering... more



Building an open source single-search discovery implementation

Lehigh University implemented and user tested a new single-search discovery experience this year, with the goal to simplify our library homepage with a single search box and a (default) results page that brings together resources from all of our public-facing platforms. We prototyped new functionality and integrations on the VuFind... more



Case Study, Jr.: How Digital Preservation System Designs Can Impact Workflows

How might an institution work around the limitations of their digital preservation system? As an example, or mini-case study, I will explain how our organization, Rice University, modified our archival information packages to work with our preservation system’s ingest process. In this case, we are using Archivematica to properly store... more



Code4Bib: Using APIs to identify publications that analyze research data held in a large social science domain repository

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) maintains the ICPSR Bibliography of Data-related Literature. The Bibliography, created in 1999, catalogs the usage of ICPSR data in research and hosts over 110,000 citations. The Bibliography is continually updated by a group of five information professionals who identify instances of... more



Designing Digital Directives

The Permanent Legacy Foundation has implemented the first iteration of a legacy planning tool in our preservation-focused cloud storage platform. This tool allows our users to leave instructions to pass on their archive to a designated steward after their death or incapacitation. We see these instructions (directives) as a key... more



Designing a Flexible, Standards-Adherent Date Field for Novices and Professionals is a cloud-based digital preservation system aimed towards the general public. Though has a date field within its metadata for members to edit the creation date of the files they upload, there are many pain points that result in a somewhat-negative user experience for our members. Permanent strives... more



Designing an open-source application to record Library Door Traffic Counter

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of “social distancing guidelines” emerged as a crucial measure to mitigate the spread of the virus. These guidelines are particularly challenging to uphold in high-traffic areas such as university libraries, which experience significant footfall during academic semesters. To address this challenge, library officials have... more



Engaging in peer-to-peer teaching and learning: Students as Collaborators with the Library

This poster presentation showcases student-initiated projects related to coding in libraries. The authors share their perspectives on creating supportive environments that empower students to pursue personal projects while contributing to the library’s mission. The presentation includes examples of peer-to-peer teaching and learning from multiple institutions that help build technical and... more



Exploring Subject Analysis with Annif: Testing a Machine Learning Tool for Subject Heading Creation

Machine learning has the potential to improve opportunities for metadata enhancement. This poster will present some of the most interesting findings from my project as a LEADING Fellow at the Metadata Research Center at Drexel University, working with OCLC Research. The goal of the project was to test a new... more



From Screenly to OPACs and more: Putting Idle Raspberry Pis to Work

The presenter’s previous work involved conducting semi-structured interviews with librarians who had utilized maker technologies in their library projects, aiming to gain insight into the potential applications and promote awareness of these possibilities. Subsequently, tutorials and code were created and made publicly available on GitHub, to facilitate the development of... more



M-PABI: A Database Model for the Extended Specimens of a Pathogen Biorepository

Natural history collections serve as vital infrastructure for monitoring and combating emerging zoonotic diseases by documenting wildlife-pathogen interactions through time and space. Flexible and searchable databases are essential for storing and facilitating access to the object data, preparation types, and collection occurrences that document the full story of the extended... more



Making the website of a cash-strapped academic library work: lessons on LibGuides.

The University of Illinois at Chicago Library has been gradually overhauling its website over the past few years. This has happened in fits and starts, in the midst of reduced staffing, reduced budgets, the loss of support infrastructure, and burgeoning demands from administration. How can a tiny team with big... more



Observability in Library Technology

Observability allows you to observe what’s happening inside of your code and ask questions of it. Within the lens of library technology, observability practices can apply to a variety of systems from library application development to server environments.

Observability requires instrumentation to emit data signals, such as traces, logs, and... more



Programmatically Processing OCLC Cross Reference Files

The University of Michigan Library needed a way to process the thousands of lines in Bibliographic Cross Reference files from OCLC produced as part of the data sync process. The Bibliographic Cross Reference files contain the local system control number (LSN) and the new OCLC control number (OCN) from matched... more



Streamlining Web Security: Embracing Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates for Hassle-Free, Automated Renewals

In today’s digital landscape, securing online communications is paramount. This poster examines the adoption of Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates as a hassle-free solution for website encryption. Let’s Encrypt offers numerous advantages, including automated renewal processes and reducing the manual intervention typically associated with certificate management. By leveraging scripts, administrators can... more



The Distant Reader

The Distant Reader is a tool for… distant reading. Given an almost arbitrary number of files of just about any type, the Reader applies text mining and natural language processing against the input and outputs a data set amenable to computation. These data sets are designed to stand the test... more



Where should I study? How to help students discover and access the right library study spaces for their needs.

The University of Michigan Library launched their shiny new website in 2018, and while it was an incredibly successful redesign, there were still a few finishing touches missing. Many well-respected universities, including The University of Cambridge and Harvard University, have implemented a searchable and filterable study space finder to help... more
